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Liverpool Homing Pigeon Society

Bird Clubs - Liverpool, NSW 2170

Home of Liverpool Greatest Bird Club Veterans and Newbies

63 Speed St, Liverpool, NSW 2170

  • awards Friendly and Accommodating Bird Club Members in Liverpool
  • awards Active Bird Club in Liverpool
  • awards Renowned and Expert Bird Club in Liverpool
Liverpool map
  • About Us

  • Servicing Suburbs

About Us

  • Friendly Liverpool Bird Club Members

  • Perfect Bird Club in Liverpool for Newbie Hobbyist

  • Expansive Knowledgebase in Bird Husbandry

  • Diverse Member Roster of Veteran Bird Raisers and Breeders

Friendly Liverpool Bird Club Members

Liverpool Homing Pigeon Society is a bird club in Liverpool devoted to providing avid bird enthusiast with a home where they can share their love for our feathered friends. As a bird club in Liverpool, we have been around many years devoting to the care of both our member's interests as well as our understanding for homing pigeons. Anyone who is deeply interested in raising and nurturing homing pigeons is always welcomed to our Liverpool bird club. Our doors always remain open to anyone who wishes to learn more about homing pigeons as our Liverpool bird club members are very accommodating and friendly. 

Our doors always remain open to anyone who wishes to learn more about homing pigeons as our Liverpool bird club members are very accommodating and friendly. In the past homing pigeons were used in both times of war and peace, now our Liverpool bird club continues to preserve this practice for both devoted hardcore veterans to newbies of the hobby. We love to grow both our knowledge and sharing such information with members of our bird club around Liverpool. In addition, our Liverpool bird club is purely devoted to preserving husbandry techniques, skills, and knowledge associated with raising birds.  Additionally, aside from pigeons, our bird club members around Liverpool are also experts on raising and breeding pet birds such as canaries and parrots. 

In addition, our Liverpool bird club is purely devoted to preserving husbandry techniques, skills, and knowledge associated with raising birds.  Additionally, aside from pigeons, our bird club members around Liverpool are also experts on raising and breeding pet birds such as canaries and parrots. If you want to be a part of a group of people who simply adore these feathered wonders then you'll feel more than at home at our Liverpool bird club. 

If you are new to the hobby of raising birds or even homing pigeons, you'll know our Liverpool bird club is a good way to start your path to becoming a bird expert. At our Liverpool bird club, we offer and provide activities both exclusive to members and non-members to come, enjoy, and learn more about the world of birds. 

If you wish to learn more about our Liverpool bird club, don't hesitate and contact us, our support specialists will be standing by to accommodate your questions, inquiries and membership.

Liverpool Bird Clubs
Liverpool Homing Pigeon Society
(02) 9824 2822 Liverpool

Active Bird Club in Liverpool

Servicing Suburbs

  • How do I become a member to the bird club in Liverpool?

    In order to become a member of our bird club in Liverpool, you only need to fulfil the registration process. Our registration process has been simplified to make it easier for new members to join as well as for our existing members to renew their membership. All you need to do is contact one of our support assistance staff to process your registration, all you have to do is comply with the necessary requirements and your love for birds.

  • How can I contact your Liverpool bird club?

    You can contact our bird club in Liverpool using our dedicated phone number (02) 9824 2822. Our phone support staff will be there to answer any concerns you have, assist you with any inquiries, as well as provide assistance to the registration process.

  • What kind of members are you looking for?

    We are a very inclusive bird club in Liverpool, we accept any member who completed the necessary requirements for registration as well as sharing our love and enthusiasm for the hobby of raising and breeding birds.

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