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Products and Services
Servicing Suburbs
About Us
Products and Services
Advice, Finishing, Installation, Liming, Maintenance, Polishing, Recoating, Renovations, Restoration, Resurfacing, Sanding, Sealing, Staining, Tinting
Commercial Flooring, Cork, Dance, Domestic Flooring, Floating, Floor Boards, Gymnasium, Handmade, Laminate, Overlaying, Parquetry, Sports Floors, Strip Flooring
Bamboo, Baltic Pine, Beech, Brush Box, Chipboard, Cork, Ironbark, Jarrah, Tasmanian Oak, Terrazzo, Timber, Vinyl
Gloss, Lime Finish, Low Sheen, Non-toxic, Quick Drying, Satin, Solvent-based Finishes, Stain, Water-based Finishes
Servicing Suburbs
Does Re-floor have enough experience in Bundaberg Floor Sanding & Polishing?
It is a risk to have inexperienced individuals handling a delicate job like Floor Sanding & Polishing. The Floor Sanding & Polishing in Bundaberg team focuses on customers needs and Re-floor supports the same value in customer service. Our Bundaberg Floor Sanding & Polishing is a proven winner in end results and customer variations.
What services do you offer?
Re-floor has fitted and restored old wooden floors, offered Floor Sanding & Polishing to our clientele in Bundaberg. From homes to sports halls floor Sanding & Polishing hardwood, softwood, parquet and mosaic flooring in Bundaberg, Re-floor will certainly get the end results for you.
How to request an appointment?
You can call our Bundaberg Floor Sanding & Polishing Team at 468 476 222 for any service needs. You can also email Re-floor via refloor@optusnet.com.au. We would love to hear from you soon.