Funeral Ceremonies

Funeral Services

Contact Us | Bulleen Funeral Celebrants
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Products and Services
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About Us
Bulleen Funeral Celebrants
Best Funeral Celebrants in Bulleen
Writing A Eulogy
Words of Comfort
Personal Touches
At Greg Ross Bulleen our funeral celebrants team are very much a part of the community and are passionate about providing a professional and caring service. They have extensive experience in funeral service and are available at any time to discuss options with you. providing full funeral services to Bulleen and surrounding suburbs. The combination of modern facilities, new technology, experienced staff and personal service ensures you receive the highest possible standard of care. Greg Ross Bulleen funeral celebrants firmly believe in treating everyone with the dignity, sensitivity and the respect they deserve.
Products and Services
Funeral Type
Contemporary, Cultural, Life Celebration, Memorial, Mixed Cultural, Non Religious, Personalised, Religious, Simple, Spiritual, Traditional
Hours of Operation
By Appointment, Flexible Hours, Open Saturdays, Open Sundays
Beaches, Bushland, Cemeteries, Chapels, Function Centres, Funeral Homes, Gardens, Homes, Outdoors, Parks, Rural
Certified, Qualified, Trained
Dual Qualification, Funeral Celebrants, Marriage Celebrants, Memorial, Funeral Services, Marriage, Funerals, Family Members, Personal Funeral, Memorial Service, Celebrants, Funeral Director, Small Business Management, Short Courses, Wedding Celebrants, Jp, Loss, Grief, Death, Funeral, Service, Deceased, Life, Celebrant, Family, Professional Development, Funeral Home, Loved, Bulleen Life, Association, Celebrant Course, Planning Funeral, Marriage Celebrant, Celebrant Training, Civil
Servicing Suburbs
How does Greg Ross Bulleen Funeral Celebrants plan the service?
Greg Ross Bulleen Funeral Celebrants meets the family involved, assist with arrangements and readings, listen to what is required for your desired funeral services and try to make the day as memorable as it should be.
How does your staff deal with family members?
Funeral Celebrants in Bulleen pride ourselves on providing a celebration of your life in a service that reflects the unique person that you are. Greg Ross Bulleen Funeral Celebrants aim to ensure that each funeral is an individual event. Greg Ross Funeral Celebrants in Bulleen professional staff will provide you with all the options that will allow you to choose a funeral service appropriate to your family needs.
How can we contact you?
We, Greg Ross Bulleen Funeral Celebrants at 0407 891 048. You can also send an email at idoido@optusnet.com.au for any inquiries or quote.