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Preston Cemetery

Cemeteries & Crematoriums - Bundoora, VIC 3083

Your Preferred Cemetery in Bundoora

ABN: 14 434 579 554

900 Plenty Rd, Bundoora, VIC 3083

  • awards Licensed Cemeteries and Crematoriums
  • awards Trusted Cemetery in Bundoora
  • awards Well-known Cemetery in Bundoora
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  • Servicing Suburbs

About Us

  • Highly Recommended Cemetery in Bundoora

  • Domestic Funeral Services

  • Caring Cemeteries and Crematoriums

  • Cemetery since 1864

Highly Recommended Cemetery in Bundoora

Preston Cemetery cemeteries and crematoriums located in Bundoora. Preston Cemetery is an Bundoora cemetery and crematorium is located approximately 10km north of Melbourne and opened in December 1864. The Bundoora cemetery was originally known as the Strathallan Bundoora Cemetery and this name is still reflected near the northern boundary. In 1931 a fire destroyed a small timber Bundoora church on the site, together with all the cemetery's records. At that time there had been between 500 and 600 burials at the Bundoora cemetery.

Trusted Cemetery in Bundoora

Preston Cemetery in Bundoora provides a wide range of services for the final resting place of your loved ones from burial to memorial services. Currently, for the burial options, only those who have pre-purchased graves have access to burial options at Preston Bundoora Cemetery. And for memorial options in Preston Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematoriums, currently, we have Rose Memorials and Niche Walls. Preston Cemetery in Bundoora truly knows the importance of ceremonies. Our Bundoora cemetery also knows that families today want truly personal events. To help them, we offer a wide selection of unique special services in Preston Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematoriums.

You may also like to stop by our Bundoora cemetery and crematorium location, to get a closer look at what many families in our community consider to be one of the loveliest Bundoora cemetery serving our area. Preston Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematorium provide the final care for your loved ones, with dignity and kindness. Preston Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematorium respect all peoples, our heritage, our communities and the environment.

Bundoora Cemetery
Preston Cemetery
03 9467 8322 Bundoora

Funeral Services | Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematoriums

Products and Services


Cremation Urns, Memorials, Plaques


At Need Purchase, Burials, Cemetery Records, Cremations, Funeral Services, Pre-Need Purchase

Grave Type

Crypts, Lawn Graves, Mausoleums, Memorial Gardens, Monumental Graves, Niches, Sculpture Gardens, Vaults


Catering, Chapels, Condolence Room, Crematoriums


Cremation, Eulegy, Remembrance, Sexton, Parish, Burial Ground, Synagogue, Memorial, Lawn Grave, Burial, Hearse, Memorial, Graveyards, Church Yard, Cemetery, Church, Necropolis, Burial Site, Monument, Mortuary, Bundoora Cemetery, Plot, Convent, Tomb, Mausoleum, Catacomb, Crematorium, Burying Ground, Graveyard, Cantonment, Crypt, Graves, Commissary, Cremator, Land, Funerary, Boneyard, Park, Cemeteries, Memorial

Servicing Suburbs

  • What are your office hours?

    Preston Bundoora Cemetery and Crematorium's office hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday, and you can schedule an appointment on Saturdays.

  • What are the burial options Preston Bundoora Cemeteries and Crematoriums?

    Currently, only those who have pre-purchased graves have access to burial options at Preston Bundoora Cemetery and Crematoriums.

  • How can we contact you?

    You can contact Preston Cemetery and Crematorium in Bundoora at 03 9467 8322 for more information and details about our funeral and crematorium services. You can also visit our website We look forward to hearing from you.

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