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Lilydale Crematorium

Lilydale Crematorium

Cemeteries & Crematoriums - Lilydale, VIC 3140

Most Affordable Lilydale Crematorium

126- 128 Victoria Rd, Lilydale, VIC 3140

  • awards Well-maintained Cemetery in Lilydale
  • awards Caring Lilydale Crematorium Staff
  • awards Respectful Staff
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Trustworthy Funeral Service   Cemeteries and Crematoriums Lilydale

Trustworthy Funeral Service Cemeteries and Crematoriums

  • About Us

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About Us

  • Helpful and Friendly Lilydale Crematorium

  • Beautiful Cemetery in Lilydale

  • Special Service For Your Deceased Loved One

Helpful and Friendly Lilydale Crematorium

Lilydale Crematorium is a Lilydale cemetery and crematorium helps you give your departed loved ones the proper, peaceful resting place they truly deserve. Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff understands your grief, so we assist you in making this as easy as possible for your family. We offer both crematorium and burial services. Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff are all about helping you cope with the inevitable. Because we know that you only want the best for your departed loved ones, our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff gives you only the best crematorium and burial services. If you need special arrangements whether it is your or your departed loved ones’ parting wish, then don’t hesitate to talk with our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff. Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff will be more than happy to assist you in fulfilling you departed loved ones’ wish. Whether you want an elaborate or a simple service, our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff are sure to get the job done as you want it. Let our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff guide you every step of the way.

Caring Lilydale Crematorium Staff

Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff are professional yet compassionate in dealing with your cemetery and crematorium needs. Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff offers various products that fit your departed loved ones’ personality or your preference, so you don’t have to worry much about the arrangement. Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff only needs you to choose what you prefer to include in the service. Let our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff direct the funeral and graveside services for you.

Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff keeps our resting grounds clean, properly maintained, beautiful, and peaceful for you and your departed loved ones. On top of that, we always keep the natural look of our surroundings.

If you are in Lilydale and want to give your departed loved one a dignified place of homage, look no further because here at Lilydale Crematorium we have everything covered for your cemetery and crematorium needs in Lilydale.

Lilydale Cemeteries & Crematoriums
Lilydale Crematorium
03 9737 2300 Lilydale

Trustworthy Funeral Service Cemeteries and Crematoriums

Products and Services


Cremation Urns, Memorials, Plaques


At Need Purchase, Burials, Cemetery Records, Cremations, Funeral Services, Pre-Need Purchase

Grave Type

Crypts, Lawn Graves, Mausoleums, Memorial Gardens, Monumental Graves, Niches, Sculpture Gardens, Vaults


Catering, Chapels, Condolence Room, Crematoriums


Burial, Remembrance, Tomb, Mortuary, Cremator, Graveyard, Funerary, Parish, Baptist, Burial Ground, Necropolis, Church, Church Yard, Memorial, Memorial, Hearse, Burying Ground, Memorial, Cantonment, Crypt, Eulegy, Boneyard, Commissary, Cemeteries, Park, Synagogue, Lilydale Cemetery, Graves, Crematorium, Convent, Land, Burial Site, Plot, Monument, Cremation, Graveyards, Lawn Grave, Mausoleum, Catacomb, Cemetery

Servicing Suburbs

  • Do your Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff take care of the transport?

    Yes, our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium staff takes care of the transport after death to make the needed arrangements easy for your family. Please talk with our staff for more info.

  • Do you have casket and urn choices in your Lilydale cemetery and crematorium?

    Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium provides you with options to personalise the service for you departed loved ones. We want to make decision-making as easy as possible for you during this time.

  • Am I entitled to pick my preferred burial or mausoleum place inside your resting grounds?

    Our Lilydale cemetery and crematorium provides you with the dedicated final resting place for the remains of your departed loved one. But if you should want to transfer your departed loved one, we will be more than willing to help you.

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