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Mr Roofing and Skylights

Roof Repairs & Maintenance - Melbourne, VIC 3004

Quality Roof Repairs & Maintenance in Melbourne Guaranteed

ABN: 28 169 918 932
  • awards Fully Licensed and Insured Melbourne Roof Repairs and Maintenance Service
  • awards Utmost Commitment to Quality
  • awards Fast and Reliable Roof Repairs and Maintenance in Melbourne
  • awards Client Satisfaction Guaranteed
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  • Servicing Suburbs

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Our Business

  • Emergency Roof Repairs and Maintenance in Melbourne

  • Skylight Repairs and Replacement

  • Emergency Dome Repair and Replacement

  • Melbourne Experts in Roof Repairs and Maintenance

  • Experienced Roof Plumbers

Emergency Roof Repairs and Maintenance in Melbourne

Experience the Best Roof Repairs and Maintenance for Your Melbourne Home

Utmost Commitment to Quality

Our roofs safeguard us from natural hazards. Nevertheless, being the first line of defence against nature’s wrath, roofs are susceptible to destructions. Give your homes the best protection by making sure that your roofs are well-maintained. Shower your roofs with the best care by seeking the roof repairs and maintenance service of Mr Roofing and Skylights in Melbourne.

Who We Are – Melbourne Experts in Roof Repairs and Maintenance

Mr Roofing and Skylights is a family-owned roof repair and maintenance company based in Melbourne. Our business has been going strong for the past 45 years, offering roof repairs and maintenance to Melbourne clients. With a stellar track record and decades of experience in Melbourne, you can be assured that whatever roof repairs and maintenance you may need in Melbourne, Mr Roofing and Skylights can finish the roof repairs and maintenance job for you. We are fully insured and our roof repairs and maintenance experts from Melbourne are all certified so that once we do the roof repairs and maintenance job in Melbourne, we only need to do it once.

We Will Give Your Roofs the Best Roofing Solutions

Mr Roofing and Skylights caters to a full range of roof plumbing concerns. Among the Melbourne roof repairs and maintenance services that you can expect from us include:

• Emergency Skylight Repairs and Replacement
• Emergency Dome Repair and Replacement
• Leaking Skylights
• Storm Damage Repair
• New Skylight Domes and Replacement

Mr Roofing and Skylights also offers 24-hour emergency service for roof repairs and maintenance in and around Melbourne. You can be sure that whatever needs you may have, we are always on hand to help you.

Why Avail of Our First-rate Roof Repairs and Maintenance Services in Melbourne

Mr Roofing and Skylights has built its reputation on quality workmanship. This is why we are known throughout Melbourne and beyond for our roof repairs and maintenance services. We maintain the quality of our work through a diligent selection process for our personnel. All our roof repairs and maintenance specialists in Melbourne are fully trained and certified and we also guarantee our craftsmanship. Despite our focus on quality, we offer competitive rates for our roof repairs and maintenance services Melbourne wide.

For Guaranteed Peace of Mind, Give Your Roofs the Best Plumbing Services

No matter what concerns you might be worrying about, Mr Roofing and Skylights can definitely handle that for you. No job is too big or too small in Melbourne for the roof repairs and maintenance teams of Mr Roofing and Skylights.

Melbourne Roof Repairs & Maintenance
Mr Roofing and Skylights
0403 588 885 Melbourne

Reliable Work Melbourne Roof Repairs and Maintenance

Products and Services


Aluminium, Cedar, Concrete, Copper, Corrugated, Fibreglass, Iron, Malthoid, Metal, Polycarbonate, Shingle, Slate, Steel, Terracotta, Tile, Tile - Second Hand, Tin, Torch-on Membrane


Airvents, Bird Proofing, Downpipe Cleaning, Drain Cleaning, Emergencies, Extensions, Gutter Cleaning, High Pressure Cleaning, Inspections, Installation, Leaf Screening, Maintenance, Moss Removal, Painting, Plumbing, Re-roofing, Rebedding, Renovations, Repairs, Replacements, Repointing, Rescrewing, Resealing, Restorations, Resurfacing, Roof Cleaning, Roof Resprays, Roofing, Sealing, Spouting, Tiling, Waterproofing


Box Guttering, Carports, Factories, Farms, Fascia, Gutters, Houses, Patios, Rainwater Tanks, Solar Panels, Spouting, Stormwater Drains


Blocked Drains, Broken Tiles, Leaks, Rust, Storm Damage


Emergency Roof Repairs, Melbourne Roof Restorations, Roof Repair Cost, Roof Seal, Roof Restorations, Roofing Materials, Roof Repairers, Roof Repair, Roofing Repairs, Metal Roof Repairs, Roof Tile Repairs, Roof Leak Repair, Roof Tile Repair, Leaking Roof Repair, Roof Leak Repairs, Roof Repairs, Leaking Roof Repairs, Roofing, Tile Roof Repairs, Roof Tiles, Roofing Repair, Tile Roof Repair, Slate Roof Repairs

Servicing Suburbs

You Asked Us

  • Do you offer free quotes for your Melbourne roof repairs and maintenance services?

    Yes, we do offer free quotes for our Melbourne roof repairs and maintenance services. We offer competitive rates with quality workmanship, satisfaction guaranteed. Just call us so that we can discuss how we can be of service to you.

  • What types of services do you offer?

    As a roof repairs and maintenance company operating in Melbourne for the past 45 years, we offer all manner of roof repair services. Examples include emergency skylight repairs and replacement, storm damage repair, and much more.

  • How can we contact you?

    You can call us at telephone 0403 588 885 or email us at With our 24-hour emergency roof repairs and maintenance service for Melbourne, you can call us anytime you need us and we will be sure to help you out.

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